In a conflict of fashion and function, sophomore Jen Andersen rudely mocked fellow sophomore Sara Handler behind her back for her lack of fashion sense, despite their striking similarities in appearance.
"God, look at her!" Andersen remarked to a friend nearby, "Can you believe that shirt? It looks like it’s about three years old!"
Andersen made the alleged comments while wearing a "Farm Queen 1978: Judge's Favorite" T-shirt purchased at an Abercrombie and Fitch store for $24.99. The garment had been made to look worn out and old, with the printing on the shirt intentionally "faded out." Her ensemble was completed with a "blown out" (intentionally torn) visor from the Gap ($21.99) and a pair of factory worn-in jeans of indeterminate value.
Andersen's friends, who were dressed in a similar manner, were also quick to point out Handler's perceived fashion flaws, concentrating on her "4-H Club of Northern Baltimore County" T-shirt, which was acquired during a period of volunteer work with the 4-H Club of Northern Baltimore County.
"Geez, she looks like a total hick!" Andersen continued. "She probably bought her pants at Wal-Mart!" The pants in question had actually been worn several times before by Handler, giving them their "worn-in" appearance. Handler's clothing was topped off with a baseball cap, worn down from usage, which Andersen described as "in need of a replacement." The unintentionally poorly dressed Handler then walked away, apparently unaware of the Mr. Blackwell-like verbal trashing she had received from the intentionally poorly dressed Andersen.
Andersen then left the dining hall, mentioning that she had to buy a pair of sandals that looked "new-retro."
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