Very little is known about the Economics Association of Maryland. I guess that they exist to associate eco- nomics. Those must be some wild meetings--associating supply, associating demand, and what not. They must have a grand time.
Maybe EAM needs a better group name and acronym. How about the Economics Experience Gratitude Association of Helpers (EEGAH), although this might cause confusion with a movie of the same name star- ring Arch Hall, Jr. Maybe they could be the Economics Ingenuity Explorers Initiative Organization (EIEIO) for that down home country feel. Or how about having no name at all? Imagine it now: "What group are you in?" "We're so cool, we don't even have a name!" Think how snazzy that would be.
I think I've seen EAM once before, handing out free candy so people would take info on their group. Why do campus groups hand out candy? Aren't we never supposed to take candy from strangers? Has that rule been repealed? Instead, they should have babies hand out the candy, since I've heard that taking candy from a baby is quite easy.
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